Monday, January 12, 2015

January 12th 2015

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a while since I last posted, I've been caught up with other activities lately. The first week of the quarter is finally over and I'm actually pretty happy about it! Too bad there's still 9 more weeks to go... Last night I spent about 30 minutes planning a schedule for today on Google Calendar. I ended up inputting important dates and also all of my classes for the next few weeks. I even put in what I planned to get accomplished and at what times throughout the day! Sadly, I ended up breaking the first part of the schedule today when my plan to wake up at 10AM to read my EGR100 textbook turned into me waking up at 11:30AM and skimming the reading... Obviously I need more work on waking up on time but Game of Thrones at 2AM was just way too interesting! Not much out of the ordinary went on today. I went to CHM122 lecture at 3PM and then EGR100 at 4:30PM. I learned how to calculate the pH of a substance in chem and I also learned that I should review textbook readings before EGR100 just in case there are any possible POP QUIZZES. After totally failing my pop quiz, I went to dinner with a group from my hall. The food wasn't too bad today. Afterwards I went back to my dorm and drove a friend to the store real quick to buy something that he needed. I am currently trying to finish my chem homework and thought that I should take a break by posting to my blog. Well... I really need to get back to chem so I'll leave it at that. Until next time my friends.

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